Florida's Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) Structures Inventory

In 2006, DRMP staff conducted a structures inventory for FTE. The Turnpike System-Wide Bridge Pier Protection Program was undertaken throughout the various Florida counties through which the Turnpike passes. Under this contract, DRMP and another consultant worked together to provide staff for field data collection at 207 bridge sites. All field data was transmitted to engineering office staff for analyzing field data, providing shear analysis and to recommend pier protection for each location. DRMP provided overall project management, field data collection and inventory teams, and served as the Engineer of Record for this project. Engineering staff were responsible for evaluating all bridges over facilities owned by FTE to determine whether the bridge columns can withstand the LRFD 400-kip impact force and if the bridge site meets the requirements of the FDOT Roadway Design Bulletin 06-10.

To complete this inventory, our team divided the project by counties and then sub-divided by roadways.  We also provided a Quick Reference Guide with all of our standard layouts. Field activities were coordinated by gathering all field inventory teams at one site to review process and procedures to ensure everyone was on the same page.  This process ensured consistent field data was obtained and provided.  Actual field data collection activities were completed between October through December 2006 and involved approximately three months of field time. 

As the data was collected from each field site, it was transmitted to office engineering staff for analysis. These activities began in September 2006 with pre-field inventory planning activities and were completed in March 2007. DRMP’s initial submittal was submitted in early April 2007 and the final submittal completed in June 2007.  The final submittal included analysis of the field data including determining where additional pier protection was needed and the shear capacity of several columns.  Project-related activities required approximately seven months for the first submittal and an overall timeframe of nine and a half months, with the majority of the office work being completed by two engineering staff members.

Key Facts




Florida's Turnpike Enterprise


207 bridge sites

  • National Bridge Inspection Standards(NBIS)
  • Bridge inspection
  • Ratings analysis
  • Data collection
Services Provided:

Construction Services