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The Women's Perspective: Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day

June 23rd, 2021

In honor of International Women in Engineering Day, DRMP decided to focus on a few women in the industry who are engaged in the A/E/C profession in and outside of the office. With varied disciplines and work experience, they give their take on the importance of industry women engaging in professional organizations and how it can even give them an edge in their careers. 
Why do you think it is important for women in the industry to be involved in professional organizations? 
Kim bereis, aicp
Project Development & Environmental Manager 
23 Years of Experience 
Among other things, professional organizations provide opportunities for women engineers (and planners or “plangineers” like me) to expand their network and stay current on industry trends. I always encourage young professionals to join a highly regarded professional organization(s), noting that I guarantee through their active involvement they’ll meet someone or attend an event that will change the trajectory of their career in a positive way.
Amanda woods, pe 
Vice President/Structures Division Manager 
24 Years of Experience 

Getting involved in a professional organization allows you to meet other like-minded individuals that will push you to grow professionally and personally. As engineers, we tend to focus on the technical side but networking and relationship building are both key to being successful in engineering as well. Plus, you have the opportunity to have some fun while doing it.

What advice would you give younger women engineers who are hesitant to get involved in the engineering field because it is male-dominated?
Join or start a student chapter for women in engineering at their university and try connecting with women established in a career that closely matches the area they’re interested in…who may have started out with that same hesitation! As a transportation planning consultant my entire career, in the late 90s there were no women engineers in the Roadway Design and Traffic groups where I started after graduate school. It’s a completely different landscape in this industry with many more women engineers, including in leadership roles. I’ve had the honor to work alongside some incredibly talented women engineers throughout my planning career!

Women have more opportunities now than they’ve ever had in the past. Get out there, make those connections and work hard at your profession. Don’t be afraid to reach out to more experienced women and ask for advice because they will be eager to share it with you.

Do you think women who are involved in professional organizations have an upper hand in their careers? 
Absolutely. However, it's not enough to join a professional organization; they need to be actively involved in that organization to see the benefits over time.
Amanda woods, pe 
Absolutely. Belonging to a professional organization allows you to stay in touch with individuals that you may not have the opportunity to see on a regular basis. Attending events keeps you in the loop of what’s going on in your profession and provides learning opportunities, both technical and professional. It also gives you the chance to really connect with individuals outside of work and get to know who they really are.
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