Patrick Space Force Base Water Lines Repair

DRMP was tasked with providing flood risk management design services for the replacement of over 2,500-LF of water mains at Patrick Space Force Base, located on a barrier island between the Atlantic Ocean and the Banana River.

DRMP’s comprehensive design replaced the hazardous material pipe network located within 200-feet of the Atlantic Ocean and considered its sensitive ecosystem, coastal weather phenomena, flood impacts, endangered/protected species in the area and existing stormwater and environmental permits with the Florida Department of Environment Protection and the Florida Department of Transportation.  This project replaced the 12-inch asbestos concrete piping with C-900 piping. All associated valves, appurtenances and 14 fire hydrants were replaced to provide for the main north-south water distribution line along the east side of the base. The design also relocated the majority of the waterline from the east side of Highway A1A to reduce potential hurricane vulnerability.

The hazardous asbestos pipe was replaced and the design modernized the Air Force base’s waterline system.

Key Facts




Patrick Space Force Base



  • 2,500-LF water main replacement, including asbestos piping
  • Located in sensitive ecosystem
  • Environmental permitting and coordination with multiple regulatory agencies
  • Reduced hurricane vulnerability
Services Provided:

Ecological Services

Federal Services

Land Development

Surveying & Mapping/Geospatial

Subsurface Utility Engineering

Utilities Engineering