Patrick Space Force Base Living Shoreline Restoration GIS Analysis

Following extensive damage by Hurricane Matthew, DRMP biologists conducted ecological assessments and permitting with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (US ACE) for the design of a shoreline stabilization system along the 3.5-mile Banana River shoreline at Patrick Space Force Base. This work was done to protect vital infrastructure and sensitive natural resources.  DRMP’s GIS staff assisted the project team by using Quantity Distance (QD) Explosive Safety areas to guide the placement of marine signage along the arcs of the QD areas to assist in the permitting process and project planning. 

The DRMP GIS experts provided Cape Canaveral Air Force Station with professional GIS analysis, maps, and geodatabase updates to analyze the impact of QD Explosive Safety areas on the navigable Banana River. This analysis allowed accurate placement of signage within the waterway to properly alert mariners of explosive hazards.  Through the GIS team’s contribution, the project’s permitting process was streamlined.  The Air Force received locations for planned signage and assets.  DRMP's services provided long-term shoreline stabilization to protect an active airfield and hundreds of US Air Force facilities. 

Key Facts




United States Air Force



  • Geographic information systems (GIS)
  • QD explosive safety area
  • Environmental permitting
Services Provided:

Ecological Services

Federal Services

Land Development

Surveying & Mapping