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Bridging the Gap: DRMP's Mentorship Program

July 31st, 2019

Several years ago, DRMP leadership created a multi-generational committee that brainstormed ways to foster collaboration between each generation represented by our employees. From that committee, DRMP’s Mentorship Program was created. 

Matching mentors and mentees from different areas of expertise, such as a structures employee with a transportation employee, helps everyone understand how we work together across disciplines. Creating partnerships between employees in different offices emphasizes this even more, and mentors benefit just as much as mentees. Each relationship promotes professional development and can help staff build a healthy work/life balance.

In our growing business, we feel the weight of keeping up with demand. DRMP's mentorship program plays a role in increasing employee retention and shows our staff that each and every person is a valued team member. The relationships formed through this program allow staff to grow individually, which allows our firm to evolve.

Currently in its second year, the mentoring program has proven to be increasingly valuable, offering our staff significant professional and personal growth opportunities. It's rewarding for our mentors to see their mentees flourish and work through challenges. 

As a hands-on professional development tool, our mentoring program is also beneficial for our clients. As our staff collaborates with each other, they’ll learn how to better communicate and work with our clients, which leads to greater success on our projects. As the program evolves, we will continue focusing on upholding the personal quality of our informal mentor/mentee relationships. Of course, increasing the number of employees involved with the program is one of our goals, but more importantly, we’d like to expand upon what the program can bring to our employees and the company as a whole.

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