SR 10 (US 90) over Macavis Bayou, Bridge No. 580209

SR 10 (US 90) over Macavis Bayou was a $7.3 million project located in Santa Rosa County, Florida. The FDOT District Three required CEI services for the half-mile bridge replacement project.

DRMP provided project administration and inspection services for this project, which included construction of a temporary detour, a temporary Acrow bridge, major utility coordination and construction with a new flat slab bridge on pile caps/bents over Macavis Bayou.

The Macavis Bayou Bridge was originally constructed as a Works Progress Administration (WPA) project in 1937 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. To preserve the bridge’s history, crews installed historical monuments and pieces of the original bridge railing at both ends of the new Macavis Bayou Bridge. This historic structure included hand-formed and constructed barrier walls that the Santa Rosa County Historical Society and State of Florida sought to preserve within the new bridge structure. To do so, portions of the existing bridge handrail were cut into sections, stockpiled, reinstalled and incorporated into the new bridge structure. The new bridge will feature 12-foot travel lanes, a 5-foot sidewalk on the south side of the bridge and a 12-foot shared bicycle/pedestrian path on the north side.

The new bridge updates to modern structural standards and provides the estimated 18,000 daily commuters with a safe and more efficient commute, while preserving local history.

Key Facts




FDOT District Three



  • Bridge replacement
  • Acrow bridge
  • Detour
  • Utility coordination
  • WPA (Works Project Administration)
  • Historical society
  • Shared use path
  • Major bridge concrete
Services Provided:

Construction Services