City of Charlotte NBIS Bridge Inspections

As mandated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, is required to have the City-owned structures inspected once every 24 months. In addition, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) mandates these inspections be accompanied by a load rating analysis.

DRMP was employed to provide National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) inspections and load rating analyses for 34 of the City’s structures in 2016. All work was completed on time and per contract terms. Subsequently, DRMP was selected to provide these same services to the City of Charlotte in 2018.

DRMP provides bridge inspectors trained and certified under the NBIS by the National Highway Institute (NHI) in concert with the rules established by the Code of Federal Regulations as required by NCDOT. Our NBIS inspectors first assess each structure for safety, and if a hazard to the traveling public is found, the Inspector will take immediate action by contacting the local owner to communicate the deficiency before proceeding with the inspection. Each element of the structure will be assessed and assigned a condition per the AASHTO Guide for Bridge Element Inspection. In addition to general condition photos of the structure, the inspector will also photograph areas of deterioration and document the size and location of any defects for maintenance purposes. The inspector will then report the same to the NCDOT/Owner. Priority maintenance items are identified and listed within the final report. After inspecting each element, the Inspector will also grade the structure components per the NBIS Condition Ratings as an overall view of the structure’s health.

Key Facts


North Carolina


City of Charlotte


34 Structures

  • National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS)
  • AASHTO Guide for Bridge Element Inspection
  • Load Rating Analysis
Services Provided:

Construction Services