SR 10 (US 90A/Nine Mile Road) Widening Surveying Services

Provide surveying services to support the design of widening SR 10 from 2-lanes to 4-lanes from west of Pine Forest Road to SR 95 (US 29) in Escambia County, Florida.  The roadway design included a 4-lane typical section with paved shoulders, sidewalks and raised median, as well as major intersection improvements throughout the corridor.

Surveyors performed a full digital terrain modeling (DTM), including off-site drainage and conveyances, sectional survey, utilities designating and VVH and a control survey to facilitate right-of-way mapping.

Upon completion, Nine Mile Road will provide motorists with a safer roadway that meets the capacity demands of the Pensacola area based on the survey data performed for the base of the design.

Key Facts




FDOT District Three



  • Control survey
  • Digital terrain modeling (DTM)
  • Off-site drainage and conveyances
  • Sectional survey
  • Utility designation
Services Provided:

Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)

Surveying & Mapping/Geospatial


Water Resources/Stormwater Management