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Executive Brief: June/July 2024 Issue

July 31st, 2024

When you think of the factors that make a company successful, it’s common to think about growth in revenue, expansion, even employee retention. What is uncommon is to include employees who have left a company in that equation.

The A/E/C industry continues to face a unique challenge that every firm is navigating where there is more than enough work to go around, but not enough industry professionals to fulfill the need. That in turn creates a lot of opportunities for employees to leave for various reasons.

While no leader wants their employees to leave, I believe it is one of the highest compliments when they return. We're noticing that many former staff are returning to us as boomerang employees. As you’ll read in our Featured Story, many of them realized that DRMP’s work culture, leadership, and mentorship is unmatched.

And the advantage of their return is two-fold. We’re gaining employees who have a greater knowledge base and skills that they’ve gained while away and DRMP is reaping the benefit. They’ve also brought invaluable insight that we can implement in our business practices.

In an industry where talent frequently moves, DRMP chooses to celebrate the return of its former employees. It’s a recognition that what we offer—community, growth, and a supportive culture—is something truly special.

Posted in the category All.