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GIS at Work - Mapping Utility Data for the Future

November 18th, 2020

In 2019, we followed DRMP Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst Kelly Marton, GISP, through a day in her life on the job site. Keep reading for an update to the project she has been working on in honor of 2020 National GIS Day.  

DRMP’s GIS Team has been working with University of South Florida’s Tampa Facilities Management team to complete a mapping project for their main utility networks. A GPS point and relevant attributes have been collected for their stormwater, sanitary sewer, potable water, hot/chilled water and electrical systems above ground features. The GIS team will also be collecting locations for the university’s irrigation system in the near future. This data helps the Facilities Management department keep track of their assets and can help them find something quickly in an emergency, like being able to turn off a potable water valve quickly in case of a leak.

Check out the video below to see Kelly in action!

Posted in the categories All, Geographic Information Systems.