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Ewire Featured Story: Boomerang Employees Reflect DRMP’s Strong Culture and Leadership

July 31st, 2024

The idea of the "boomerang employee" in today’s job market has become a trend. These are employees who leave a company, gain new experiences elsewhere, and then come back. At DRMP, we've seen this happen with our team members. This trend drives home just how strong our workplace culture is and the value of the relationships we build at our firm.

According to a Harvard Business Review study examining 3 million employee records from over 120 large organizations between 2019 and 2022, most boomerang employees return to a previous employer within 13 months. Additionally, 26 percent come back within seven months, and more than three-quarters return in 16 months.

Boomerang employees return for various reasons, but the common thread at DRMP is often the people and the unique work environment they left behind. Scott Stagg, a Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) Project Administrator who initially left DRMP for career advancement opportunities, was inspired to return because of the firm’s tight-knit work culture and strong leadership fostered by his former supervisor who has since retired.

“He was an incredible supervisor, incredible person, quality person, and it was a pleasure to work with him, so when I had the opportunity to come back, I couldn’t say no to that,” Stagg said.

Leaving the Door Open

Stagg’s story mirrors a common sentiment among returning employees: the genuine connections and supportive culture at DRMP are unparalleled. 

For many boomerang employees, leaving and returning proves beneficial to their careers. Roadway Chief Engineer Ron Wallace, PE, who left DRMP to gain experience in the public sector, found that his time away provided invaluable insights and perspectives.

His work at the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and as a City Engineer allowed him to bring back a wealth of knowledge and a renewed appreciation for DRMP’s supportive environment. Wallace’s story demonstrates how external experiences can enhance an employee’s skills and contribute to DRMP’s growth when they return.

“I always knew I would come back to DRMP,” Wallace said. “I stayed in contact with a lot of people at DRMP. We would talk on a regular basis. I was inspired to come back because DRMP has a culture of encouraging work-life balance, and they truly care about the value and needs of every employee.”

Wallace said when he first joined DRMP, a smaller firm at the time with about 150 employees, the supportive culture and strong leadership were key in shaping his career. Now, DRMP boasts 700 employees across the Southeastern United States.

“What’s really in common about all those individuals (who helped shape my career) is that they’ve been with the company for 20 to 30 plus years, so that’s an attribute to the type of company and environment that was established,” Wallace said.

Although his public sector experience was initially a culture shock, it clarified his career goals.

“There were so many rules, procedures, and of course, government red tape. But I think now returning, it actually opened my eyes to what I really wanted to do,” Wallace said.

Another returning employee, Survey Crew Coordinator Jason Stidham, CST III, shared that his initial experience at DRMP was marked by a learning curve in surveying. Upon his return, he brought back more experience and a stronger work ethic, significantly strengthening his contribution to the team. His story shows the importance of continuous learning and the positive impact of external professional experiences.

“You realize that it’s not always greener on the other side,” Stidham said. “So, when you come back, you realize, ‘oh wow,’ it was really great here when I first left.”

Leading the Way Back

The camaraderie and friendships formed within the firm play an important role in our boomerang employees’ decision to return. Employees often mention the sense of belonging and the strong interpersonal connections they missed during their time away. This sense of community, combined with the company’s supportive leadership, creates an environment where employees feel valued and motivated to contribute to DRMP’s success.

CEI Inspector Whitney Arrington first came to DRMP as an intern and then left the firm to pursue an opportunity as a designer, a career choice she said she later regretted.

“Now that I’m back with DRMP, I feel like I appreciate the company culture more,” she said. “I feel like as an intern I just genuinely thought that everywhere you went that you were always going to meet people that just were such a good mesh. But once I’ve been away, I realized how actually unique it is here at DRMP as far as the company culture goes.”

Leadership at DRMP is instrumental in fostering this environment. Arrington’s return was significantly influenced by the leadership of Erica Jernigan, a Senior Vice President and Construction Services Director who mentored Arrington during her internship.

“I had always just really valued how smart she was and how successful she was in anything that she ever did,” Arrington said. “And I knew that DRMP was going to be the place for me to do my career switch back into Construction Services.”

Stagg said his supervisor embraced new ideas and incorporated beneficial practices from other firms that he suggested upon his return. This openness to improvement and the focus on employee well-being were key factors for him that make DRMP a desirable workplace.

“Learning how other firms treat their employees is beneficial to any supervisor,” Stagg said. “So, when I came back one of the things I requested with my supervisor was that I’d like to incorporate those things into our culture, and he embraced that, and I appreciated that.”  

As DRMP continues to evolve, the insights and experiences brought back by boomerang employees are invaluable. They contribute to the company’s growth by sharing best practices from other organizations and helping to maintain a culture of continuous improvement.

A positive work culture, strong leadership, and genuine employee engagement create a boomerang effect where former employees feel valued and are welcomed back, ensuring their potential contributions always have a place in the future. 

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