Surveying Services On-Call Contract

The City of Charlotte, N.C., needed surveying expertise for on-call services in support of various design and construction projects throughout an area that was in need of stormwater and transportation improvements.

As part of a continuing services contract, DRMP surveyors provided on-call services for various task work orders, most notably to support the completion of various neighborhood stormwater improvement projects and transportation and roadway projects. Extensive coordination was required between DRMP’s surveying team and the City of Charlotte. DRMP provided the following services to support this contract: land surveying; subsurface utility engineering (SUE); topographical surveys; utility location; and plats for easement acquisition.

DRMP’s efficient and accurate survey data collection allowed the City to improve neighborhoods through various stormwater, transportation, and construction projects.

Key Facts


North Carolina


City of Charlotte, N.C.


Varies by task

  • Continuing services contract
  • Design and construction project support
  • Stormwater improvement project support
  • Variety of stakeholders
Services Provided:

Subsurface Utility Designation (SUE)

Surveying & Mapping/Geospatial

Terrestrial Mobile LiDAR